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SEO Writing: 13 Strategic Tips for Blog Content That Scales the Google Rankings

Harrison ContentMay 23, 2024

Anyone who has penned a blog post understands the significant investment of time it can entail.

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From choosing a topic and compiling research to composing the content and finally hitting the “Publish” button, the endeavor typically consumes several hours. This is why it can be greatly disappointing if your post fails to attract the anticipated level of traffic.

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Thankfully, there’s a solution to the issue of scant traffic: search engine optimization (SEO). As marketers, our perpetual goal is to craft content that commands top positions on Google’s search results, and SEO serves as the conduit to achieve that goal. This raises a critical inquiry: How does one weave SEO effectively into their content creation? Fear not — assistance is at hand. In this discussion, we’re set to explore 12 techniques to excel in SEO writing.

What is SEO Writing?

SEO writing entails crafting content designed to secure a spot on search engine front pages such as Google’s. This process includes identifying relevant keywords, creating content that aligns with what users are searching for, and structuring your headlines to facilitate smooth page indexing.

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â—Ź Boost your natural search traffic.
â—Ź Strategize your keyword approach.
â—Ź Uncover and dispel common SEO misconceptions.
â—Ź Formulate an effective blogging plan.

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Achieving higher rankings elevates your website’s visibility substantially. The primary aim is to attract organic traffic, boost conversion rates, and fulfill business goals via strategic optimization.
Neglecting to tailor your content for search engines can lead to your website experiencing diminished visibility and subpar positions in search engine results pages (SERPs). Consequently, this can greatly limit the reach and exposure of your content, impacting its potential effectiveness.

Is SEO Content Writing Important?

Lacking SEO could lead to your content failing to secure top positions on search engine listings. A lower ranking might impede your chances of connecting with and resonating with your intended audience. It might further contribute to a perception of your content as less trustworthy and influential.

A 2020 study by Search Engine Journal highlighted that websites ranked first on the SERP boast a clickthrough rate of 25%. This figure plummets to 15% for websites in second place and declines further to 2.5% for those in tenth position. The clickthrough rate continues to decrease beyond the first page of Google.

This suggests that absent a first-page ranking, the likelihood of potential customers discovering your site organically is quite slim. Reduced site visitation equates to fewer chances of lead generation and, consequently, a decreased potential for revenue.

The alternative path would be to channel funds into advertising to direct users to your site. However, this entails an expenditure that may be unfeasible on a restricted budget. Alternatively, dedicating time to SEO writing might be a wiser investment. Not only is it cost-free, but it also has the potential to attract traffic over a more extended period than traditional ad campaigns might offer.

The Fundamentals of SEO Content Writing

Embarking on SEO content writing necessitates a grasp of the essential elements. Below are key concepts to adhere to as you integrate SEO into your writing efforts.

Keyword Optimization

The crux of keyword optimization lies in the deliberate inclusion of pertinent keywords and phrases within your content to enhance both its visibility and search ranking. This component is crucial as it aids search engines in comprehending your content better, thereby amplifying the likelihood of your content featuring in relevant search results and drawing in organic traffic.
To pinpoint the most effective keywords, it’s imperative to conduct research to ascertain the precise needs and interests of your target audience, ensuring these insights align with the subject matter of your content. Achieving a harmonious balance—where keywords are woven into your writing in a manner that resonates with readers while also meeting search engine criteria—is essential.
In the upcoming tips section, we’ll delve deeper into strategies for identifying suitable keywords and effectively distributing them across your content.

Searcher Intent

Searcher intent is the driving force or objective that prompts a user’s search query. It focuses on unraveling the true goal they aim to achieve by entering terms into a search engine.
Typically, there are four main categories of searcher intent:

a. Informational Intent:

This occurs when people look for knowledge or answers. Their searches might include terms aimed at finding definitions, instructional content, tutorials, or academic resources.

b. Navigational Intent:

This is when users have a specific destination in mind, such as a particular website or brand. They use search engines as a tool to swiftly reach a designated online location.

c. Transactional Intent:

Here, users are poised to execute a specific action, whether it’s to buy a product, enroll in a subscription, or secure a service.

d. Commercial Intent:

Users with commercial intent are in the evaluation stage, investigating products or services with the expectation to make a future purchase. They’re engaged in comparing features, scrutinizing reviews, and seeking out the best offers in readiness to make an informed choice.

By tapping into searcher intent, you can tailor your content to mirror what people are seeking, enhancing the likelihood of your content being surfaced in search results. The nuances of user intent can vary widely across different industries and niches. For instance, SEO tactics apt for legal professionals would differ markedly from those suitable for marketing experts. The core principle remains to satisfy users’ informational needs and to deliver an enriching search experience.

Readability in SEO Writing

When tackling SEO writing, the substance of your content is equally as important as the style of presentation. Merely embedding keywords into your text won’t suffice. You must consider the reading experience of your audience.

This is where the concept of readability becomes crucial.

Readability encompasses crafting content that skillfully balances search engine optimization with creating text that’s enjoyable and beneficial for human readers.

In pursuit of readability, while infusing your content with keywords and internal links is necessary, prioritizing user experience is paramount. Embrace a writing style that incorporates clear and straightforward language, steering clear of complex jargon. It’s also crucial to organize your content with the use of headings and format it to be skimmable (this will be explained further below).

In the process of writing and reviewing your content, pose the following questions to yourself: Is this content easily comprehensible? Does it progress in a logical manner? Is it captivating to the reader? Should any of these queries elicit a negative response, revisions may be in order to enhance your content’s readability.

Continual Content Optimization

As any seasoned SEO writer understands, the lifecycle of an evergreen blog post extends beyond its publication date. Ongoing search engine algorithm adjustments and the competitive race for keyword prevalence mean that search rankings are perpetually in motion.

This continuous evolution underscores the necessity of a strategic approach to content updates, ensuring that your previously published material doesn’t grow stale and retains its significance in search rankings. This proactive approach is termed historical optimization.

To identify blog posts in need of an update, begin with a thorough content audit of your older offerings to spotlight any that are no longer performing well or have become dated. Decide on the enhancements required for each piece. Typically, this process involves revitalizing the content with the latest information, excising obsolete data, refining keyword optimization, and elevating the overall presentation and readability of the text.

Guidance for Integrating SEO into Your Writing

  1. Begin with keyword research.
  2. Leverage headers effectively.
  3. Strategize for Google’s featured snippets.
  4. Prioritize human readers over search engines.
  5. Enhance your headline’s appeal.
  6. Embed relevant keywords within your meta description.
  7. Integrate alt text into your images.
  8. Avoid overusing keywords unnecessarily.
  9. Create links to credible, high-authority sites.
  10. Target longer, reader-friendly posts.
  11. Interlink your content to other relevant pages on your domain.
  12. Optimize images for swift page loading.
  13. Formulate a link-building plan.

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1. Begin with Keyword Research.

Google handles an incredible 70,000+ searches every second – quite overwhelming, isn’t it? To emerge prominently on search engine results pages (SERPs) and gain an edge over competitors, it’s crucial to hone in on the exact keywords and phrases that your prospective clients are using in their searches. Without this step, your content and website might remain undiscovered. Begin the process by employing a keyword research tool. Resources like AlphaRank and Google’s own Keyword Planner can provide insights into user search behavior and the popularity of certain search terms.

Delve into the specifics of how AlphaRank can support your keyword discovery and broader SEO efforts by exploring our case study and the insights from our exclusive interview found here.


Furthermore, Google Trends is an excellent resource to grasp the current popularity of terms. It helps you judge the relevance of keywords by showing whether their search volume is increasing or dwindling over time. It’s a red flag for marketing efforts if a keyword’s trend is downward, and conversely, an upward trend could present a marketing opportunity.

Should you find yourself in need of fresh keyword ideas, look to your competitors for cues. Employ competitive analysis tools to uncover the keywords they’re ranking for and consider adopting them if they align with your business offerings. Nevertheless, bear in mind that the most apparent keywords may not always serve your strategic goals. Moreover, your primary focus keywords will naturally evolve as market trends adjust, industry terms undergo revision, or your catalog of products and services expands.

It’s advisable to revisit your keyword research at regular intervals to confirm that you’re still centering your efforts on the most appropriate keywords for your audience and to not miss out on crucial opportunities to rise in the rankings.

2. Leverage Headers Effectively.

Headers play a crucial role in aiding Google’s web crawlers to comprehend the structure and content of your blog post. Imagine these crawlers as readers who prefer to skim through your content. They look for an initial summary of what the article encompasses, highlighted by your H1 tag. Following this, the H2, H3, and H4 tags delineate the subtopics covered within the article.

Therefore, it’s essential for your subheaders to accurately mirror the subsequent content, integrating keywords with high user intent. By incorporating the exact keywords your target audience employs in their searches, you significantly boost your opportunities for achieving a prominent position on the search engine results page (SERP).

3. Strategize for Google’s Featured Snippets.

Featured snippets are Google’s way of providing users with immediate and concise answers to their queries. For example, if someone searches “How do you write a blog post?”, Google may highlight a featured snippet presenting the top answer.

Featured Snippets

To secure a featured snippet position on Google, you should deliver a clear and concise response to the query. Take, for instance, the keyword “How to screenshot on Mac”. You might format “How to Capture a Screen Image on a MacBook” as your H1 or H2 header, followed by an organized list of the procedure, using either bullet points or numbers.

After setting up your subheader, make sure to echo parts of the question within your response. Returning to our example, your paragraph could start with “Capturing a screen image on your MacBook can be done by following these steps…” It’s effective to initiate each instruction with a command verb like “press” or “hold.”

When your target keyword calls for a definition to feature in a snippet, strive to encapsulate your explanation in under 58 words for optimal results.

4. Prioritize Human Readers Over Search Engines.

Amid the sea of SEO tactics, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the fundamental truth: Google users are searching for answers, not keywords. The key to enhancing your search rankings lies in crafting high-quality blog posts.

What does high-quality content entail? It encompasses comprehensive responses, easily navigable sections, well-structured subheaders, and the use of visual elements to break up text.

Remember to always consider your target audience’s needs, desires, and pain points, selecting topics that speak directly to them and provide genuine solutions.

While various SEO tools can assist with optimizing the technical aspects of your website, content-specific SEO tools are invaluable for crafting clear, precise, and reader-friendly content that not only ranks well but also captivates your audience. Certain tools even analyze engagement metrics, offering insights into how readers interact with your content, such as time spent on a page, bounce rates, and scroll depth.

Pro tip: Balancing SEO and engaging writing can be challenging. A helpful strategy is to outline your main ideas first, then use them as a basis for an AI writing tool, like AI blog writer from AlphaRank.

blog write

This initial draft can provide a solid foundation, upon which you can add personal flair and further optimizations to truly engage your readers and enhance readability.

5. Enhance Your Headline’s Appeal.

A poorly crafted headline can undermine the impact of your well-optimized article. When it comes to SERP performance, your title is paramount.

For an SEO-optimized headline, create an enticing phrase that seamlessly integrates your primary keyword. Below are several tactics to consider:

â—Ź Feature numbers to provide clear structure and expectation, for instance, “7 Tips for Effective Time Management.”
â—Ź Explicitly present what the reader will gain, such as, “Master French Cooking with Our Comprehensive Guide.”
â—Ź Incorporate a teaser to spark curiosity, like “Exploring the Secrets of Ancient Rome: What We Uncovered.”

6. Embed Relevant Keywords within your Meta Description.

Are you incorporating meta descriptions into your posts? If the answer is “no,” you’re possibly missing out on significant traffic. Let’s explore their significance.

We’ve already discussed various methods through which a blog post can interact with Google, including subheaders, keywords, and snippets. Yet, these aren’t the only elements involved.

Meta descriptions represent another crucial component that Google scans to assess search rankings. These brief one- to three-sentence summaries appear beneath the search result title and provide a snapshot of the content.

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When crafting meta descriptions, aim to:
â—Ź Maintain brevity.
â—Ź Incorporate one or two keywords.
â—Ź Ensure it’s engaging. Considering the competition, your description needs to capture attention and provoke interest.

Fortunately, most content management systems (CMS) readily offer meta description fields, simplifying the process of adding them to your content.

7. Integrate Alt Text into Your Images.

Whenever you embed images into your blog – whether as a featured image or within the article – it’s important to add alternative text (alt text) to them.

Alt text is a written description that conveys the content and context of an image, assisting both Google’s indexing processes and providing context for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers.

For example, imagine your blog article discusses virtual events and you incorporate an image as follows:

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The corresponding alt text could be something akin to, “Businessman participating in a virtual event, seated at a desk with a pen in hand.”

This description is both informative and incorporates a key term like “virtual event.” Thus, it’s serving a dual purpose: even if the image is a generic stock photo, crafting a narrative that resonates with your blog’s focus enriches your content’s relevance and accessibility.

8. Avoid Overusing Keywords Unnecessarily.

Optimization is about striking a balance, not inundating your content. Keywords should fit seamlessly; forcing them to the point of compromising readability is counterproductive.

For instance, if “account-based marketing,” “startups,” and “sales” are your targeted keywords, eschew meta descriptions such as “Sales for account-based marketing startups.” This is clunky and transparently stuffed.

A more fluid approach would place emphasis on one or two keywords to create a smoother reading experience: “Looking to elevate your startup with account-based marketing? Uncover our proven methods for scaling your sales in this in-depth guide.”

This strategy still employs your chosen keywords but avoids inundating your content with them. Your primary objective should always be to cater to your audience. A negative user experience will communicate to Google that your content may not be fulfilling user needs as well as it should.

9. Create Links to Credible, High-Authority Sites.

During the creation of your blog post, confidently incorporate external links.

Linking out to authoritative, trustworthy websites provides your readers with more resources to further their understanding and demonstrates to search engines that you’ve put effort into researching your topic.

A blog post gains substantial credibility when it includes statistics supported by research from well-respected sites. These impactful data points enable you to construct a solid, persuasive argument, enhancing your authority and gaining your readers’ trust.

10. Target Longer, Reader-Friendly Posts.

Contrary to what you might expect in our fast-paced world, shorter blog posts aren’t always more effective. Google and other search engines actually show a preference for lengthier, comprehensive articles.

Here’s why: More content provides search engines with additional context to understand the subject matter of your blog. At HubSpot, research indicates that the sweet spot for blog post length is between 2,100 and 2,400 words.

However, the challenge with lengthy posts is maintaining reader engagement without overwhelming them. A solution to this issue is organizing your content into manageable, easily scannable sections.

Remember, bullet points are excellent for drawing attention and facilitating quick reading, particularly on mobile devices.

Simplify complex sentences and aim to keep your paragraphs brief, ideally three sentences or shorter. Pro tip: For those seeking assistance in refining their content, AlphaRank’s AI Blog Rewriter tooloffers seamless editing support.

11. Interlink your Content to Other Relevant Pages on your Domain.

Internal linking is an important aspect of optimizing your content for search engines. By linking to other pages or blog posts within your site, you help search engines construct a detailed sitemap and position yourself as a reliable source of information for your audience.

From a user experience standpoint, internal links to relevant content encourage readers to explore your site further, potentially decreasing bounce rates and bolstering the chances of a conversion. Ultimately, isn’t conversion the goal?

When you incorporate internal links, or even links to external resources, ensure that your anchor text uses natural language. Avoid anchor texts that come off as forceful or salesy, such as “best cheap smartphones” or the impersonal “click here.”

Opt instead for anchor texts that provide insight into what the reader will discover upon clicking, like “Explore our comprehensive guide to social media marketing.”

Links should be integrated thoughtfully, not just tacked on. Only include them if they enrich your content and are relevant to the topic at hand, rather than merely funneling users towards your top pages or promotional deals.

12. Optimize Images for Swift Page Loading.

Google favors websites that load quickly, enhancing overall user experience. A common cause of delayed page loading is the inclusion of large, data-intensive images. If your blog post features multiple images, each surpassing 100KB, this could significantly reduce your page’s loading speed.

Fortunately, tools like Squoosh.app are available at no cost and can compress your images effectively without diminishing their quality.

Should you be concerned that slow loading speeds are affecting your website’s ranking, Google’s PageSpeed Insights provides a free tool for analyzing your site’s performance and offering actionable recommendations to improve speed.

13. Formulate a Link-Building Plan.

Link building is a pivotal element in your website’s search ranking success.

Consider search results as a competitive field where the top spots are akin to a tally of votes. Each external webpage that links to your content acts as a ‘vote of confidence,’ signifying to Google that your material holds value and credibility, thereby boosting your position in the search rankings.

To entice other sites to link to your content, craft posts that are inherently shareable and link-worthy. This can be achieved by embedding high-value resources like exclusive data, innovative insights, and thought leadership within your articles.

Additionally, interviewing industry experts can create compelling content that not only adds to the authority of your blog but also encourages these influencers to share and link back to the interview, increasing the visibility and credibility of your website.

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Dive Into SEO Writing

You’ve mastered the art of creating content that resonates with your audience. Next up: infusing your writing with elements that Google adores. At first glance, balancing audience appeal with SEO might seem daunting, but armed with the right SEO strategies, you’re set to make a splash on Google’s first page.

Editor’s note: This post first appeared in May 2024 and has since been enhanced for thoroughness.

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